A little bit about me…

I want to write so much personal stuff, but this is also balanced with the need for privacy. Some of the things I write about may be provocative, but still I feel the need to express myself. I am currently in the process of writing a novel, which is based partly on my life experiences and partly an extrapolation of those experiences.

Who am I?

  • I’m a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome and I’m pushing 50 years old. It’s a cliche I know but I still feel 21.
  • I’m currently between jobs and like everybody else I’m attempting to weather the Coronvirus storm.

I’m hoping people may drift this way looking for advise, information or just more reading around a topic. I have gained solace from the reading of random blogs of people who have been in a similar situation to me. If I can pique anyone’s interest with one of my posts, perhaps even give them a new insight into something then that’s mission accomplished.

activism autism communication coronavirus fan fic fan fiction health lions though lockdown menopause new normal perimenopause trolls veganism vegansim women womens-health women with autism writing

activism autism communication coronavirus fan fic fan fiction health lions though lockdown menopause new normal perimenopause trolls veganism vegansim women womens-health women with autism writing

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